Sunday, June 26, 2005

everybody says i love you.

yup, i survived. i can even say that i had a really nice time. the wedding took place in my old church at the catholic school where i went for 9 years (k-8). It seemed to have a sweet familiarity that one can only attribute to the childhood game of folding your hands and singing the song about the steeple and the people inside. I guess it had something to do with the way the rafters are all wooden and exposed, or the way that nothing much has changed in the interior, except the prayer candles that have changed from the traditional candle this electronic candle that only lights up when you put in money and hit a button. Aaron, Suf and I took amazed at it, I took a pic too.

so i got to the wedding late, because there were a zillion garage sales and flea markets going on in town. it felt kind of strange to be all dressed up in my home town, running across the street in heels that were way to high for a saturday morning. when i walked in the service had already started. I saw Karen Hajack and sat next to her, we went to Queen of Peace together and played softball for what seems like forever, She is getting married next week, to a guy that i might add, who looks a lot like her. Further down the pew were Shari and Russ and their son Russel. Russel is the perfect composite of both Shari and Russ. It's kind of creepy to see two people that you knew separately get married and then have a kid.

Most of the service I spent spying on people from the back of their heads, since I sat in the way back. I was feeling a bit inadequate until the "sign of peace" when i turned around and saw Sufjan sitting behind me. It seems that everyone I spied was there with a significant other, and well, it's kind of weird to see how rampant that coupling and breeding shit is spreading in the suburbs. When I took communion, which I probabaly shouldn't have, I saw most of the other people that I expected to be there.

This wedding was cute and endearing becuase of the total innocence of it. Dennis and Kitchen may be the only couple that could gracefully and believably do the whole no sex before marriage thing.

The service held the longest wedding kiss on record, in my book, which made me wonder why they decided to have the reception last all night. But another cute thing that happened was Dennis taking pics of the both of them and the crowd from his camera while up at the alter. Even when he was kissing her, he took a pic. It was freaking adorable, in the cheesiest way possible. One last cool thing, the bride came in on her dad's Harley with a little helmet with a veil attached. Dad, are you reading this?

The wedding cleared out and then the catching up began so many people to see and talk to. It was incredibly hot yesterday and the reception was outside with no air conditioning. I am glad that I brought a change of clothes.

I'd like to take this time to thank dennis and kitchen for seating me near rich beatty. Thank god, my standby- future husband of Jon Kempe was there sitting next to me pretending to be my date.

My pretend date, the youngest Kempe.

Rich Beatty was the mildly retarted kid in my grade that started coming to a bible study that Jai and I had, he kind of latched onto our crew and being the good evangelical chrisians we were/are, we took him in....somehow I end up babysitting him. Rich was driving me crazy with his annoying banter and loudness. During Dennis and Kitchen's song, they danced and Rich sang along, all out of tune and off time, humming to the parts he didn't know the words to. It was rather comical, esp when Jon turned to him and said that, "maybe you shouldn't sing if you don't know the words."

Me, Rich and Jai....Bible study buddies.

So i caught up with Melissa, Aaron and Suf. I hadn't seen Mel and Aaron since god knows when, some time ago in brooklyn, before they got married and moved away. Melissa was my first roommate in Brooklyn, we had the apartment where bands from all over would crash at. It was not uncommon to come home to a living room full of strange/cute rocker boys. Most were just there stopping by. The Royal City boys were the best, and Aaron was from that band. Those Canadians were such great house guests, I guess that's why we let them stay, or maybe it had to do with the fact that Mel and Aaron were destined for eachother.




We exchanged stories of our present lives an reminisced about the days at 62 Russel st. My fave was when the Royal City guys were at my place, and my dad came to bring me to lunch. He rode the bike in and came upstairs with his colors on. The guys were terrified. My dad looks at me in the hallway and says within earshot," who are all these homos?" Aaron still remembers this. It was pretty funny.

A few last things, I didn't have to talk or sit near Jai and Kate got really fat. HA! John Gellings was there, but we didn't get to talk, he even brought his girl with him!! I got to hang out with Corinne and just be silly dancing like a fool. I sat outside in the hot sun and drank way too many beers before 8pm!

This blog is getting long, and I need to get ready for some NJ Fun Society fun. I am sure more stories will emerge.


ME! said...

I don't know if you are going to read a comment on an old post or not, but I just wanted to let you know that this made me reminice a little. Especially the part about Rich Beatty. HA! That kid couldn't carry a tune if his life depended on it. I'm gonna share this post with my sister so she can reminice about some of those times too.
Thanks for sharin!

alphaTHEgreat said...

Talk about memory lane... don't talk about my sister's future husband like that (ode to Rich Beatty!)
Miss you chica

ME! said...

Don't you mean your sister's future ex-husband? And wait, Richie wants to marry you... or Suzanne... or anyone who would have him from our circle.

nicole marie said...

omg. so i had to sit next to witchie. he was telling me how he was dating this mormon girl for a while and they were going to get marrwied. but then his dad wasn't allowed to go to the wedding so he called it off. thankfully, he was smart enough to think that those rules were a bit wackey. thus leaving himself on the market for jen and suzanne.

ahhh, the mountain days. i went to a party in oak ridge the other day and rockin john was there. remember him? he was always at g&A making balloon animals. speaking of g & a, remember the guy, maybe he was the same one that had a crush on corinne and would bang his head on the cash register?

man, when's the milly reunion????

ME! said...

Not soon enough!

But, G&A won't be the same cuz you have to go to the one in Wayne. And it was "Crazy Dave" at the 24 hour one by Shotzie's Tattoo. (or something like that) I can't believe they ever closed that one. DUMB!

We should get the lot of us together for old times sake. Who's married, who's having(had)) babies....etc. A lot has changed since then.

k-bnakedlady said...

girl--i thought you were wrong for writing richie was retarted--this comment is worse--AH HA HA!!

hey, you know sufjan? my friend--ex actually --Patrick is a HUGE fan--cannot say enough good stuff about the dude.
Hook a sista up?? get me an in so i can impress my friend/ex-boyfriend.

nicole marie said...

i remember patrick...ha, old times.

anyway, suf and i are friends from when i first moved to brooklyn. i moved in with his old roommate and for the first coupla months he slept on my couch and we would cook din din together and what not. he's a busy dude, but go see his show...playing with the danielson famile in coupla weeks. word.

oh and richie is retarded, there's no getting away from it. if you had to sit next to him at a wedding while he mumbled the words to a song he didn't know in his high pitched sqeaky voice thing, you'd blog-trash him too!!

yo, when we going to carl's diner for some foodies? that was so much fun. we'll "have the run of the place"!!