Wednesday, August 19, 2009

dresses, dresses and more dresses!!!

ok, so everyone wants to know about the dress....of course you do.

i may or may not have one at this point.

i also may be addicted to trying on dresses. who knows. it's just so fun. i can't stop myself. trust me, when you are in this position you will probably do the same!

head over to my bridal blog at the Wedding Chicks to read my post about the dress decisions!! please leave me some comments and suggestions on the wedding chicks page!!

and jared, you are NOT to look at that link. it's nsfw (not safe for wookies).


ME! said...

I made a comment on your other post... And I love the crazed bride photo you have going on here!

nicole marie said...

i might have to get this dress after all.

i have dress #1 up on
where you can sell your dress and in the classifieds on
we'll see if i get any bites.

ME! said...

Good luck! Because #3 is breathtaking!!!!

Jessica @ Mason Jar Bride said...

hey nicole! I wanted to let you know, the dress I wore to my bridal shower is by Anna Sui, and I found it on the sale rack at Anthropologie (it was a super lucky find!)